Date of Birth: July 5, 2014 - May 2022
Four legs to run on although my joints aren't very good
Two eyes to see with
An appetite the size of a lion
A heart of gold
Personality plus in a pint size body
Notable Wins:
My most notable win is that I'm alive today and get to enjoy life as a Madabout Labrador and tell my story.
At 6 days old a nasty infection wrecked havoc on my wee little body. I was a phenom, as the vets had never seen anything like it. I feel special for that and had the best care. I still love going into the vets...they are all my friends...its like a second home to me and I get so excited sometimes I can't control myself! Mom says I have to start behaving after all I'm not a baby anymore!!!
Okay back to me.... My joints swelled with infection and I remember how painful it was to have it drained off. I cried and screamed and my mom cried and told me she was sorry. I didn't walk until I was 6 weeks old...my Nanny Trish called me the "glow worm" as I just inched along. At four weeks old my eyes finally opened but they never cleared for another two and again I defeated the odds by being able to see! My skull didn't close until the day before I turned 8 weeks. They didn't think I'd be "normal" but I say I'm pretty normal! The worst of it is, the infection also cut off the circulation to my tail and half of it fell off (eek!!!). Mom says not to worry...at least now I can't knock off her wine glass with a swoosh of the tail like all the others.
At 8 weeks old it was time for my brother to fly the coop. He was 15.2lbs and I weighed in at a whopping 2.15lbs! Mom said I made up the difference in weight in personality. My new home was a carrying bag and I got to go everywhere. I have a fan club now because of it! I recently turned 5 months and I finally hit 30lbs. My Nanny Char says I'm an old soul....I kinda like being the centre of the universe. Sometimes I get to stay with my Nanny Trish but mom always grumbles when I come back....something about being spoiled and stealing toilet paper rolls when I'm there!! Who cares is what I say!
I have to take medicine for the rest of my life and we aren't sure what the future holds for my joints but in the meantime I get lots of supplements to help me along the way. I try not to act like a spoiled baby and the Hens let me know when I do. Mom is also happy that I'm finally house trained as its been a long haul!
I had my first swim in the lake...quite by accident of course but I see many more swims in my future. I also hear that road trips are a blast and I know my mom is going to let me come along. I have so many more friends to meet. Maybe I'll get stickers of all the cities I visit and put them on my suitcase...you know...then I will remember where I've been.
Oh...and the name...its because I was born in the middle of the Hurricane. What more could you expect!!
Full of personality in a pint sized body
Has a "thing" for paper towel/toilet paper rolls
I'll never be like the big boys here at Madabout and sire puppies but I'm enough puppy for everyone!!
Well its been a while for an update! I've just celebrated by 7th birthday! WOW how did that happen? I'm officially a young veteran now. Dad and I get all the senior discounts on our outings. I'm doing well. I still run hard but not for as long. I'm still the fun police and drive everyone NUTS especially my mom. I have to let everyone know I'm the boss although most of them don't care. I recently had my vet checkup and they told me I'm all good. So while I'm relaxing more on the big lazy boy I'm still having fun. Life is good!!!
People have been asking how I've been doing so here it is!
I've got a new brace now for my back leg. Its okay. I'd rather not have to wear it but mom says it will help me in the long run. I'm doing good otherwise. Had my eyes tested and mom says its the only thing good on me!!! At least I'll never have to wear classes.
I've been snipped now and it was like searching for Yukon gold....yikes....and I don't heal as well as others. Of course its all because "I'm special". Lots of trips to see my friends at the Vets....it hasn't been all that bad. Thank goodness for Lennon...he got rid of that cone off my head more times then I can count! Mom just gave up on putting it on me. LOL....
Wowsers....I turned 1 year old!!!! Who would have thunk it!! We had cake...I had to share it with the hens though. My BFF Lennon wore a hat but I was mortified when they put it on me. Not hats for this cat!!
Well here we are already into May and I'm still here! I've hit 45lbs and that should be my max. I was a little chunky from the winter but the extra 2 pounds is now off.
My mom and dad did x-rays on my elbows and my hock recently and everyone was shocked I run and play like I do with the elbows that I have. I don't know anything different....I've only ever known the pain....but don't cry...its okay...I'm good....really!!!
I tried to do water therapy but it just seemed to hard on me. So my mom is ordering me some new legs!!! We are hoping the braces help me as I seem to be getting worse. Stay tuned on that.
I've gotten a new seatbelt so I've been spending some time riding with my dad. I'm learning the Invisible Fence although I'd rather have the freedom I had before. Mom said something about going on the road and not listening (who me??) and that scared me enough! I also here there is talk about a road trip coming in June...they had better take me!!!!
That's it for now....
July update....
I've turned 1 now!!! I'm a big boy. I even had a cake!!! Mom said something about the jewels going now but not sure what that means. All I know is I get to go visit my BFF's at the vet clinic!!!
I have a new best buddy Lennon. He's yellow and can be a brat but we have fun playing together. He loves the water as much as I do.
Oh and the invisible fence...best thing in the world....I have so much freedom now...often mom and dad find me just laying down at the waterfront enjoying the view. I can stay outside all day and my legs are getting stronger from all the exercise I get now!!
I've turned 2...who would have thunk it!!! Mom says I run faster then the able bodied dogs. Not sure what that means but I can give anyone a run for their money!!
I didn't get a cake as Mom was away with family but she says she will make up for it....I wonder what it will be?????