Am Can Ch Labradale's Coffee Crisp
x MPBISS Can Ch Staghorn Hot Toddy At Madabout TT
Date of Birth: December 27, 2007
OVC Hip/Elbow clearances
Optigen B - Carrier
Eyes cleared Jan 2014
Full Dentition
CNM - Clear (DDC 61301)
EIC – Clear (DDC 61301)
Pure for Chocolate (CC)
HNPK Clear ( DDC 73611)
CKC TY209431
AKC SR60552601
Notable Wins:
(AKC pointed)
1st in class LOC 2010
Reserve Winners ALRC Specialty 2010
2nd place in Open Chocolate at the EOLBA specialty
2nd Open Chocolate - LOC Specialty 2010 Judge Marion Hopkinson
3rd Open Chocolate - LOC Specialty 2010 Judge Mary Cox
1st in Open Chocolate at the Quebec specialty
1st in BBE ALRC Specialty 2010
Best Puppy in Specialty at the Quebec Specialty
Best Puppy in Show at the FCC/CFC shows
4th in 6-9 month sweeps class at the National Specialty
1st in 6-9 mth class (& 1st in Sweeps class) at the ALRC Specialty
Canadian Federal of Canines - Best Puppy in Show 2008– CFC Show – Judges David Power and Chen Wo Wen
LRCC National Specialty 2008 - 4th in 6-9 month class – Judge Kim Beverley
Club de Labrador Specialty 2008 - 1st in 6-9 month class and Best Puppy in Specialty – Judge Sue Willumsen
Club de Labrador Specialty (2009) – 1st in Open Chocolate class – Judge Pierrette McLean
EOLBA Speciality (2009) – 2nd in Open Chocolate class – Judge Jeff Gilmore
Sugar is a wonderful addition to our family. She is a sweet girl, with a very pretty face, lovely dark eye and very good pigment. She definitely has the “Cognac” coat and fully wrapped otter tail. She moves with ease in the ring, has a nice level topline, tailset and loads of front. She is a retriever at heart and loves to fetch and swim.
Judge Pauline Mortier (Lubberline) LOC 2010 - Unfortunately out of coat but structure in angulation was good.
Judge Jeff Gilmore – EOLBA Specialty 2009 - Smaller female with good balance. Lighter coat color and blowing today. Good body condition. Gave on softer temperament and eye color.