Am Ch Beechcroft's Perfect Blend
x Can Ch Ginander’s Madabout Shelby Good
Date of Birth: 17 March 2012
OFA prelims - hips Good, Elbows Clear
Full Dentition
Eyes Cleared annually
Optigen B - Carrier
EIC Carrier
CKC ZE461798
Notable Wins:
Group 4th over specials - Mirimachi KC under Judge Thomas Touzel - New Canadian Champion
BOW - Cape Breton KC under Judge Virginia Lyne
WB - Cape Breton KC under Don Wallace
BOW - Cape Breton KC under Doug Gaudin
BOW, BOS - Cape Breton KC under Avery Gaudin
BOW -1 pt win Halifax Kennel Club Feburary 2012 from the 6-9 mth puppy class
Adele is now living with our good friends Carol and Randy Ethridge at Masonridge Labs in Ontario.