Am Can Ch Waifin's Fly Cabot To Torngat
x Can Ch Ginander's Madabout Shelby Good
Date of Birth: 21 Sept 2011
OFA Prelim Hips Good
OFA Prelim Elbows Normal
Full Dentition
Eyes Cleared April 2017
PRA Clear by Parentage
EIC Clear (UMN Y5419165)
CKC YS419165
Notable Wins:
WB, BOW, BOB, Group 2nd - Mirimachi KC under Judge Chris Neilson to finish her Canadian Championship
WB - Mirimachi KC under Judge Barb Arndt
WB - Halifax Kennel Club 2013
WB - Pictou County Kennel Club 2013
Berrie will hit the show ring in 2013!!